How to Clean a Futon

Sharing some tips and advises how to clean your futon (Japanese mattress) used daily. Spring is a season of new beginnings in Japan and it’s a perfect season to reset & refresh your bedroom to get better sleeps!

It is said that people sweat at least a cup of water a night. Taking care of your futon is very important in making your sleeping environment clean and fresh, especially during the rainy season in June when it gets extremely humid in Japan.

Futon Cleaner:

These days futon cleaners become a major home electronics. Futon cleaners effectively get rid of mites and house dust scattered on the futon surface. Sole use of futon cleaner is not advised because it only takes care of the surface, so better to use the cleaner after using a futon dryer in order to clean out mites and house dust in and out of your futon.


Airing them out:

Putting your futons in the sun will help you create an anti-mite environment. Better not to beat the futons after hanging them out (which is a traditionally way), because that will make mite excrement and dead mites come up to the futon surface. Vacuuming is recommended after sun drying.


Some futons can be water washed, depending on its material and size. Check the tag attached to your futon to see if they are washable or not. There are futon cleaning stores that can also take care of them if you feel it’s too much hassle. Though washing the whole futon is troublesome, it is surprisingly effective on mites, molds, and house dust.

Check out Duskin, Lenet, and Zabuzabu if you are interested and let us know if you need assistance in arranging. Always more than happy to give you a hand 🙂


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