Kitchen Garden Challenge!

Having and taking care of kitchen garden in Japan, especially during is rainy and humid season, sometimes requires knowledge and experience. But for those who are new to this, some vegetables are very strong to weather change and relatively easy to monitor. Going through some of the easy vegetables that could be planted during this season and harvested in autumn.


Komatsuna – Japanese greens. Highly adaptive, can grow in planters and pots.

Swiss chard – Colorful greens that grow in summer time. Relatively strong in a hot and dry climate. They also grow in unsunny balconies and have excellent resistance to disease and harmful insects.

Pak-choi – Good for beginners. Easy to grow from seeds in sunshiny places. If you want to use planters, you should look for mini-pak choi.


Wondering how to cook Japanese veggies? We can get back to you with loads of recommendations.


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