Season’s Greetings

Have you ever heard of Shochu-Mimai(暑中見舞い) or Zansho-Mimai (残暑見舞い)cards? There is a tradition in Japan to write to families and friends offering best wishes for the hot season.

Shochu-Mimai cards are for the first half of the summer season. To be more specific, for this year Shochu-Mimai cards were good to go from Jul 7th when the rainy season ended, till Aug 6th. Zansho-Mimai cards are for the latter summer season – from Aug 7th till Sep 6th. The difference between these two are the timing and the seasonal words that should be used. If you receive a Shochu-Mimai and intend to write back after Aug 7th, you should be getting back with a Zansho-Mimai card.

Generally, either of these seasonal greeting cards consist of below:

  1.  Greetings of the season
  2.  Ask whether the recipient is doing well
  3.  Sender’s status
  4.  Wishing for the recipient’s peace and quiet
  5. Complimentary close


Let us know if you are interested in taking part of this Japanese summer culture! We will get back to you with more tips and advises 🙂

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