Beaujolais Nouveau

Beaujolais Nouveau has been released!

The third Thursday of November has been known as the day of Beaujolais Nouveau since 1984.

Originally, Beaujolais Nouveau was the fresh wine with fermented grapes right after harvested in Beaujolais district of Bourgogne in France.

Beaujolais means Beaujolais district and Nouveau means new in French.

The way to produce Beaujolais Nouveau is different from the other wines.  It takes only two months from harvest to shipment. The grapes simply wait to ferment in a tank without any stress and then they become pure natural wine.

French people enjoy this fresh and delicious wine while it’s fresh and spread the wine in the country around 1951.

In 1967, that local wine was officially admitted as “Beaujolais Nouveau” and the wine could be released after Nov. 15 every year.

The reason why the government set the release date was that no one should sell the wine before it got matured enough even they think the earlier the more they can sell the wine.

This setting date made the wine a big hit in restaurants and bars in France.

In 1985, French government changed the release date from Nov. 15 to the third Thursday of November because of the inconvenience of shipment and traffics when Nov. 15 was holiday or weekend.

Beaujolais Nouveau was imported in Japan in 1980s  Because of the time difference, Japanese people can taste the newest wine the first among the advanced countries.

It is really a nice season to try some wine.

These are popular wine bars;

Wine bar M in Ebisu

Grande Polaire Wine Bar Tokyo in Ginza

Have a wonderful autumn-winter time with delicious foods and wine!






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